A good wallpaper adds texture, pattern, and color to any room. But some wallpapers, such as in the kitchen or bathroom, are more prone to moisture and dust than others. Waterproofing your wallpaper protects it from damage and makes cleaning and maintenance easier. Learn more:anti-radiation.co.uk

Many wallpapers are designed to repel water and dirt, but even the most durable can be damaged by persistent use or by environmental conditions that cause mold and mildew. If you want to hang wallpaper in a damp area, treat it with an anti-mold product first. This will prevent the formation of mold, which can erode wallpaper and make it fall off of the wall.

Wallpaper Protection for Meditation Rooms

Wallpaper protection is a simple process that requires no professional skills. Clean your walls with a damp sponge and regular cleaner (the sort recommended by the manufacturer of your wallpaper) on a weekly or biweekly basis. Eliminate dust accumulations with an extensible hand duster or vacuum it using a soft brush attachment. Wash your wallpaper with a gentle solvent and warm water when it gets dirty.

For older wallpapers, a coat of varnish is sometimes desirable. However, it is important to consult with a conservator before doing so. Varnishes in liquid form may give off fumes that are unhealthy for humans to breathe, and a glossy sheen detracts from the appearance of most wallpapers.

ROMAN recommends that you start with a quality wallpaper primer such as PRO-977 or PRO-909. These primers dry to a harder finish than paint and universal primers, and they help to preserve the original paper. They also allow the wallpaper to adhere better and aid in scriptability. They do not, however, provide protection against liquid stains and major damage such as scratches or the impact of thrown objects that are provided by wallpaper adhesives.

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